We got the Autohelm calabrated, but may still need to move the "cumpass" as it is off by 18 degrees. The ST 4000 also tries to correct course by turning to port only. From researching the intraweb, it turns out that is common and we have to look at "low voltage" or whatever that means.
The Knt meeter said we were doing 0.0kts, but the GPS said 6.9 knts, so we gotta sort that out.
Parker (9 year old grand son) was aboard and did well, even though we were all over the place with tacks and jibes. We managed to make a huge mess below decs, as it has accumulated 10 years woth of crap sitting and not being sailed.
The GPS unit worked great! We put a Lake Michigan detailed map "chip" in it and it performed as expected. It is monochrome though, color would be nice, but is not actually neccessarry.
Wish I took the camera, oh well.....